Update: June 3, 2021

Our next meeting will be Thursday June 10th @ 6 pm 1967 w Blvd St. Please bring a chair, wear a mask properly over the nose and RSVP. We will be learning Naalbinding and how to make the needle with our MOAS Ylva. She requests that all bring something sharp to whittle with.

A reminder: until July 1st, we will still be under Midrealm restrictions and unable to share supplies. Your supplies will be baggied and properly quarantined before use by Ylva.

From last meeting: We discussed what we want to do moving forward as of July 1. We decided to have 3 part A&S classes/nights, and those not interested in the class may attend and work on their own projects.

Fighter practices will be once-twice a month, starting July.

Archery and Thrown Weapons practices will be on Sundays, starting July.

July we will have a tent set-up day and a loaner garb purge.

July we will be moving indoors for meetings.

Here is the official SCA Re-Opening statement: https://www.sca.org/news/from-the-society-seneschal-re-resolution-to-further-lift-suspension-of-in-person-activity-in-the-sca-as-of-july-1st-2021/

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