Update: May 29th, 2021

Our next meeting will be Thursday, June 3rd @ 6 pm at Calvary Baptist Church – 1967 W. BLVD St. Please bring a chair, wear a mask properly over your nose, and RSVP. Per Kingdom, anyone wishing to attend meetings of any kind MUST RSVP.

We will be discussing re-opening, and the re-opening of martial activities. Everyone, especially officers and marshals, are expected to attend this meeting.

If you can’t or don’t attend this meeting, it is YOUR responsibility to understand and follow the plans from Kingdom. I am happy to answer questions, but I will not go over these multiple times.

It is also expected of our members to follow these plans 100% – no loopholes, no arguments. Our Kingdom and Society officers have worked hard to get us re-opened and active again SAFELY. These plans are here to make sure that happens, and it can’t if our members aren’t willing to follow suit. Please understand that these guidelines are temporary.

Marshals, if you do not attend one of the marshal meetings (listed below) led by the Kingdom Earl Marshal, you will lose your warrant. I am not responsible (as seneschal or leading archery marshal) if you lose your warrant. A reminder that if we don’t have a marshal for an activity, we cannot have that activity. This is your reminder to get this done. Anyone can attend these meetings, as well!


Re-opening plan: https://www.facebook.com/…/permalink/4315378521827431

Martial Activity Restart Plan:


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